1. A search engine is composed of a database.
And there has to be some mechanism for collecting that data, imply a database of urls, and associated key words, and text, and or images which get compiled through some kind of collection mechanism.
And there has to be some mechanism for collecting that data, imply a database of urls, and associated key words, and text, and or images which get compiled through some kind of collection mechanism.
2. And the second important point to understand is that all of these databases are, in a sense, an approximation, a portion of the vast amount of digital information that's out there.
The collection mechanisms for search engines are not able to crawl and collect all of the information that's out there, especially realizing the fact that the amount of information is growing quite fast each year. And also a fair amount of that information is in servers and databases, which although attached to the internet, are not accessible for search engines to basically cull, and collect, and store in their own databases.
And what exactly is a search engine, you might ask? And I think many people don't really have a good conceptualization of what it is a search engine does, and how it does it. But a search engine is
The collection mechanisms for search engines are not able to crawl and collect all of the information that's out there, especially realizing the fact that the amount of information is growing quite fast each year. And also a fair amount of that information is in servers and databases, which although attached to the internet, are not accessible for search engines to basically cull, and collect, and store in their own databases.
And what exactly is a search engine, you might ask? And I think many people don't really have a good conceptualization of what it is a search engine does, and how it does it. But a search engine is
3.The third important element really is the search protocol, that is what you use to query the database.
So do people use language, for example? Can they ask a question and get a result? Do they use some kind of key word structure? Is there a kind of logical set of expressions or Boolean type logic that can be used? This and that. This or that. This and not that. Those kinds of structures can be essential for improving the accurancy of a search.
So do people use language, for example? Can they ask a question and get a result? Do they use some kind of key word structure? Is there a kind of logical set of expressions or Boolean type logic that can be used? This and that. This or that. This and not that. Those kinds of structures can be essential for improving the accurancy of a search.
Of course here, one promising goal has always been - and of course on the user side is more or less typical - the desire to simply ask questions, just as if we were talking to another person, to use natural language. Who is the president? What is the largest manufacturer in a particular industry? You can think up questions, and naturally that would be the way people would in all likelihood love to approach a search engine, is to ask them questions as if they were asking any expert who might know the answer.
4.The fourth basic element of a search engine is what might be called the ranking algorithm for listing the results, that is once a user searches on a key word or phrase, a set of links are returned.
Frequently those links may number literally in the millions. So the question becomes: how does one rank those results, setting aside what we talked about earlier - using paid placement. What kind of algorithm is used to rank or order the results, with the goal of providing the user with the things that they are most likely looking for at the top?
Frequently those links may number literally in the millions. So the question becomes: how does one rank those results, setting aside what we talked about earlier - using paid placement. What kind of algorithm is used to rank or order the results, with the goal of providing the user with the things that they are most likely looking for at the top?
So that algorithm might be called some kind of usefulness metric that says, "Given the user has searched on this term or phrase, these are most likely the useful results that they're looking for at the top." And of course, you can imagine that is quite a challenge.
So to summarize then, a search engine is essentially four things. It's a database. It's a collection mechanism for adding data into that database. It's a search protocol that enables users to query the database. And it's a ranking algorithm that determines how the results are presented to the user. And when we look at the various search engines that are out there, they vary on one or more of these dimensions. This is what a search engine is all about.